Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Don't Forget to Floss


A simple way to show children how to floss is to demonstrate the proper technique using an upside-down egg carton and piece of yarn.
egg carton = teeth
yarn = floss

Once your child knows how to floss, you can show him/her why it's important to floss using:
  • rubber glove
  • paint
  • more yarn!
  1. Put the glove on your hand and coat it in your child's favorite color paint.
  2. Wipe the paint off your hand with your fingers held tightly together-  this represents brushing your teeth!
  3. Show your child ALL the paint left in between your fingers that brushing alone doesn't reach.
  4. Then have your child practice flossing between your fingers with yarn.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Smiley Snacks


Healthy eating is just as important as brushing and flossing when it comes to maintaining a healthy mouth.  We love to encourage children to eat mouth-friendly foods by creating smiley faces out of healthy snacks.

Snack suggestions include:
  • carrot slices
  • nuts
  • orange & apple slices
  • celery sticks
  • broccoli & cauliflower florets
  • and much more!
Take photos of your children's creations and then let them enjoy their healthy snacks! :) We would love to see your creations!


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fall Fun Snack


You’ll need:
  1. 1 apple
  2. mini marshmallows
  3. almond or peanut butter
Just follow these steps below:
  1. cut the apple into slices (for the lips)
  2. spread almond or peanut butter on to one side of the apple slices
  3. line the marshmallows up along the apple slice on the butter (teeth)
  4. make a sandwich!
Be sure to brush your teeth for 2 min after you eat this snack!  Hope everyone is enjoying the first few weeks of school!


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School Activity

Subtraction and Loose Teeth! :)

Loose Tooth Subtractioncropped
You'll need:
  1. 2 pieces of white paper
  2. 2 sheets of clear protective covers
  3. dry-erase marker
  4. sponge or wipe
Just follow these steps below:
  1. Draw 2 faces with BIG SMILES -  10 teeth on top and 10 teeth on the bottom!
  2. Insert the drawn boy/girl into the clear protective sheet
Did you know that most children have 10 primary (baby) teeth on their top arch?  And 10 more primary (baby) teeth on their bottom arch?

Most children lose their bottom front 2 teeth first, followed by the upper 2 front teeth.
Lets get our children excited! Learning about our mouths and subtraction can be fun!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Always strive to fly into new heights!

Dr. Ko's latest favorite DIY craft!  A sure favorite for kids! :)
What you will need:
  1. rubber band
  2. sugar free life savers (wheels)
  3. sugar free chewing gum (wings)
  4. smarties or crayon (airplane body)
zoom...zoom... zoooommmm!
Visit www.pedorthodontics.com for more printables and activities! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

We had the privilege of teaching these precious three year old children on Monday!  

Did you that that there are just 3 simple ways to keep your teeth healthy and smile beautiful?
  1. Brush and Floss
  2. Eat tooth healthy foods
  3. Visit the Dentist 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

"Tooth" Healthy Foods vs. The Sweets!

Here is a fun activity for your pre-school child!  This activity will help to teach the importance of of eating 'tooth' healthy foods at an early age.

Foods that contain a lot of sugar may be left on our teeth after we eat sweets!  Sugars and food particles team up with bacteria/germs in our mouths to form plaque.  Plaque makes an acid that damages the outer layer of our teeth (the strong white enamel) and causes cavities!

It is perfectly fine to eat sweets.  Our recommendation is to brush your child's teeth right after.   A good time to eat sweets is after dinner.  Then, you can help your child brush his/her teeth before she goes to bed.

There are certainly foods that are better for your child's teeth.  Some examples are cheese, yogurt, fruit, vegetables, and milk!

You'll need:
  1. 2 pieces of white paper
  2. family or food magazine
  3. pencil or black marker
  4. scissors
  5. glue
Just follow these steps below:
The set-up
Let the fun begin!
This little boy really wanted the marshmallows to be considered a "Tooth" Healthy food!  This activity was a great lesson for him.
The sweet tooth!
The happy healthy tooth!